Outdoor Entertaining... Pool House Edition

We have finally hit that time of year where we start to open all the windows and doors and say goodbye to indoor living for a while.  In New England, nothing is more refreshing than outdoor entertaining, especially after a long winter.  Helping clients turn their backyards into a private oasis is like putting the icing on the cake of their home design.

Open Air Pool House

Pool Houses have been at the top of many client’s wish list over the last few years, and we truly enjoy designing them.  Every client is different, so there are always varying custom requests (heat lights, invisible screens, hanging chairs just to name a few).  Let’s take a look at a few that we had a chance to photograph this past year.

Patio Seating Under Architectural Pergola

This Gambrel Style Pool House honors the main houses style, but also establishes a completely different open-air vibe.  By adding headlamps to the beams, we were able to make a space that can be enjoyed year round.  A great place to entertain with everything that you need (from a Kitchen to a Bathroom) all in one remote space - no need for any guests to pad inside with wet or even snowy feet.

Luxury residential backyard pool renovation featuring architectural design.

This Nature Filled Pool House also honors the main residence, but takes things in a much more natural direction.  By framing some of the trees in the back landscape, the inside of the pool house feels cozy and merged with nature.  A bathroom and storage area are enclosed from the elements, but the seating area stays open to relax in the summer breeze.  An added pergola provides the perfect space for laying in dappled sunlight.

Architectural pool design featuring an open air pool house and seating.

Check out this recent article that New England Home published about one of our favorite Pool Houses.

Open air architectural pool house featuring eye-pleasing furnishings.

We love designing outdoor entertaining spaces - what’s on your dream home wishlist this year and how can we help them come true?

Together we create.

Kalah Talancy