Shifting seasons...

Shifting Seasons…

Today is the first day of school here in Massachusetts, and now the tone of the season begins to shift. For us it turns into a busier sports schedule, but also more time spent inside when we are off the field or the ice. There are things all of us do to help make this transition - and certain parts of our home that we shift to accommodate the change to our daily schedule. Below is our hit list of the top 5 things we change here at Casa KT2.

1 - Shoes, shoes and more shoes. For us - the biggest pinch point at the house is where the kids come and go with their school gear and shoes. In fact, today, one of our girls stated that she was bringing 3 different kinds of shoes to school for all the different activities. That means, when everybody arrives home - we have to have a system in place to avoid mayhem and disorganization. My solve for many of life’s organizational problems are baskets. A big basket near your Entry can be a shoe catchall, and we avoid the daily visual chaos.

2 - Bedding. To me, changing up your bedding is an easy way to welcome in a new season. After all, one of the reasons we live in New England is because we like all of the season (notice I didn’t say love). It’s not quite cold enough here in Massachusetts yet, but you better believe that as soon as the air shifts to crisp fall air, the first thing I do is pack up our summer linens and bring in our heavier, thicker duvet.

3. One of our last preparations for Fall is to make sure we have all the things we need for our fireside. Typically we start with bringing some firewood undercover so it can be dry and ready for the first day of real cold New England weather. We also make sure to have our favorite chimney sweep come to ensure our house won’t smell like an ashtray all winter long. I also retrieve the fire screen and fireside tools, that I typically stash out of sight when they aren’t in use.

Hoping that your season shift is off to a great start - and that you don’t spend the whole fall tripping over shoes.

Kalah Talancy